The A.I. anxiety

From the ever-evolving computer technology to the introduction and widespread popularity of internet, from the various electronic gadgets,cars to spacecraft the world of technology is seemingly endless. technology is a powerful tool in this modern era and it has the capability to influence society
for its betterment as well as destruction.

Are we fully in control of our technology....?
“An ultra intelligent machine could design even better machines; there would then unquestionably be an ‘intelligence explosion,’ and the intelligence of man would be left far behind.”
I.J. Good, a British mathematician and code-breaker, in 1965

Artificial Intelligence this word has raised a lot of questions

Is it an existential threat to mankind?
Certainly yes, some of you might not agree, which is totally agreeable coming to random conclusions is not the right thing but just to add some fuel to this topic let us see some Real life scenarios that took place regarding AI.
  • The Facebook's Clever Bots

Adding to the fear that full artificial intelligence (AI) could spell the end of the human race, researchers from the Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research lab (FAIR) have found that while they were busy trying to improve chatbots, the "dialog agents" were creating their own language.

Soon, the bots began to deviate from the scripted norms and started communicating in an entirely new language which they created without human input, The Verge reported on Tuesday.

Using machine learning algorithms, the "dialog agents" were left to converse freely in an attempt to strengthen their conversational skills
  • TAY- The Racist ChatBOT

Microsoft’s newly launched A.I.-powered bot called Tay, which was responding to tweets and chats on GroupMe and Kik, has already been shut down due to concerns with its inability to recognize when it was making offensive or racist statements

Microsoft turned off Tay and where left with a big problem. This is what happens we you start trusting technology blindly

Though it doesn't means to stop taking risks for the betterment but they should be calculated ones!

Often there is no one person who understands exactly how these systems work or are operating at any given moment. Throw in elements of autonomy, and things can go wrong quickly and disastrously.

When we talk about machine learning  is there a limit...? when and where to stop

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