What is a GOOD Technical Blog ?
TIPS ON WRITING A GOOD TECHNICAL BLOG Technical blogs are articles focused on technology and science covering a board aspect of this spectrum and there a lot of things which make writer enhance his blog writing skills to spread their work to a larger audience. 1. Content and Topic Selection Content is the major aspect a good blog should contain around 500+ words as it is a long-format content writing the topic should be well explained. The content should be kept crisp and to the point to many diversions from the topic will lead the reader to not continue reading and lose interest. Stick to one topic and a few sub topics if necessary. Then topics selected should be in demand and trend. Even if the topics are common and there is a lot of material of that kind available on the internet see to it that your blog stands out is unique. Uniqueness is always appreciated by readers. 2. Title Titles given to the blog should be trending and catching. The title will make a good first impressi...